Assalamualaikum...I pray all of us happy at this moment...
Yeahh...lama x kembali ke alam cyber nih. Semenjak dok KL aku rasa masa semakin singkat. Kalau dulu sempat jog, sewing, main guitar..but not now...x tau la pasal ape. BTW, i need to well plan on my activities here so that i not miss anything that i luv to do!
Ok...last month my health not that good. Ni la pertama kali dlm sejarah aku MC 6 hari dlm sebulan heheh.
Kenape? Hmmm... i was miscarry! Its just happened without any sign..memang sedih tp ni semua kehendak Allah. I still remembered, that day was Oct 20th..aku cam biasa bergegas ke airport nak p KK, Sabah. Next day ade meeting, but seriously i felt frustrated because my colleague ni should came along but my bos said only myself allowed. Mayb ade sebab dia x kasi pegi 2 org..its ok. Tapi nak dijadian cerita...dlm flight afer about 1 hr take off, aku rasa sakit perut... macam nak period tp tak mungkin sebab aku dah confirm preggy a week before. So aku p toilet dgn keadaan yg selamba tp masa tu aku berpeluh walau aircond sejuk.I was very shock went i bleed yg pelik dr kebiasaan.....tiba2 aku nerbes x tau nak buat ape. At that time aku x rasa miscarry...sgt2 blur...and back to my seat. Berlagak cam biasa, with heavy cramp at my stomach....masa tu aku berdoa semoga aku x ape2 dalam flight.
When i reached KK...hujan lebat giler...sampai hotel around 8.30pm. Terus baring and called my mom. She said it could be miscarry but she said pray it wont. So, mak soh aku p clinic tp aku x larat sgt....dgn bleeding makin kuat and cramp yg makin kerap. So i just closed my eyes and paksa tido sbb x tahan sakit...the whole nite memang miserable, jap2 terjaga...and sakit...fuhh!!
Early next morning aku trus p clinic terdekat...doct scan my baby still ade so die mintak aku rest and releks.
yes lege rasa....aku sakit takpe la asal my baby selamat. My meeting should start at 11pm... i got 2 hrs to prepare but perot x hilang sakit lg....jalan pon cam org tue. So disebabkan keadaan aku yg x stabil and x bole berdiri lama aku trus call my collegue at KK and informed that aku x bole attend meeting. Alhamdulillah, die pon paham keadaan aku and she said dont worry meeting bile2 bole buat...hmm...actually tak lama pon miting tu sejam aku sgt2 x larat.So i decided to go to airport and try nak ambik flight yg lg awal. Disebabkan my flight back to KL around 5pm aku terpaksa tunggu sbb masa tu da nak cuti raya haji. Flight fully booked...aiyooo...xde pilihan aku p lepak dlm surau je. Walau pun da makan pain killer, sakit x hilang xde pilihan aku kene tido. Cepat la sampai KL huhu...
Sampai KL da pukul 8.30pm...La, my sis dtg ambik aku...huhu...sedih and blur.... tiba2 aku nangis! Thats fine....
The next day La bawak aku p jumpe doct kat Price Court. Bile scan my baby still there....alhamdulillah sekali lagi...aku lege. Tp kene dtg check lagi after 10 days, nak tgk baby tu membesar ke tak. Kalau membesar maksudnye ade chance kalau x maksudnye dia dah pergi! huhu
10 hari tu adalah masa yg paling menyesakkan lah..sbb dok terpikir baby tu ade ke tak, aku bleed tu sbb ape, perasaan pon x menentu...susah nak cerita camane. Sakit jap ade jap takde....sgt2 menconfoiuskan. Aku byk baca artikel pasal miscarry ni dlm internet...ade yg kata x semstinye miscarry tp ade plak yg sebijik sejibun jadi cam aku and miscarry...arrrghh...memnag blur!
7 days after that...aku p cek dekat twin tower clinic sbb tiba2 bleed banyak semula. Doct kat situ plak x bole scan so trus refer aku ke prince court semula. So on the Nov 2nd kene p jumpe gyne (sepatutnye 5th). Kebetulan Joe pon dtg KL, so kitaorg p berdua....masa tu aku redha ape2 kata doct.Harap2 aku kuat!
Bile gyne scan nothing in my perut anymore...hmm.. perasaan aku x tentu hala semula masa tu....blur! around 5 mnts je jumpe gyne and he said let the bleeding stop naturally x perlu D&C. Ok...aku & joe kluar bayar bill and walk silently ke parking. Dlm lift aku da x tahan sedih and nangis! So officially aku miscarry...but not sure when was the exact time. Kalau tak aku dah 2 months preggy now! i feel better physically & mentally recovered!...Ade sebab kenapa baby tu x lama.At least aku sempat rasa pragnent tu camane. Lagi pun ramai yg blom ade rezeki cam aku n joe....event yg dah lagi lama dah kawen.
So, my friends out there pray for us to have the next one k! Adios....
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
Cameron Highland best gak!
Hai hai.....jgn bye bye lagi...kerajinan koi mengapdate tengoh memuncok ni! Haaaa kan ade hok x gok kalu koi tulih bahase pahang..baru bulor mata wokme membaca nye! nanti koi buat post bahasa pahang best gamoknye kan sbb org pahang je hak reti keh kali ni dok la guna bahasa pahang nyak sbb untuk kebaikan seme...lagi pon nok jote down sket pasal ke Cameron Highland...sian wokme hok x pahang! Kelass.... tahap 1 bahasa koi!
Sweet and simple.....mesti ade yg lama x ke CH kan? Ntah camane aku bole p sana dgn Joe on last 15 & 16 Sept. Memang unplan and gamble je sbb ingat nak p lepak2 kat lost world of tambun. Tp situ mcm tempat kanak2 je so aku divert ke tempat lain. Tak tau mane dtg idea i said to Joe ...lets go to CH? What do u think?...luckily he said ok and i smile like a child! hehe hehe hehe
Wokey....kitaorg dr Sitiawan so takde la jauh sgt ke CH. Lebih kurang 2-21/2hrs dah sampai via simpang pulai exit. Itu pon bawak cam kure2 sbb nak menikmati kehijauan bumi Allah. Korang yg speedo bole save 1/2hr ingat jln ke sana agak bahaya sbb belok2 cam ulor tp road condition bagus. So no worries as long as your car sihat sbb masa p tu byk gak kete yg berasap tepi jalan. Mayb masa tu byk kerete sbb cuti 3 very2 slow moving when we almost reached Brinchang. Oleh kerana traffic stand still, kitaorg stop at 1st point ~ steamboat restaurant (x ingat nama kedai). Masuk2 alamak semua chinese (bukan diskriminasi k..but for muslim we are particular on the ke'Halal'an food) tp nak guna toilet punye pasal kene jd guest. Bukan guest x bley guna toilet kitaorg order air untuk hilangkan haus and masuk toilet! :)
Fresh strawberry juice for me and fresh water crest juice (ala2 daun pegaga) for Joe! Strawberry juice tu sedap nak mampos...x rugi bayor RM/8/glass. Water crest pon sodap at RM4/glass. Bagus untuk kesihatan.
We continued driving towards Brinchang and reached there around 2.30pm. Sgt byk bus and krete yg park tepi jalan sbb CH ni kawasan sempit and kedai2 semua birai jalan je. Ade kedai sorvenier, restaurant, kedai sayur, buah etc.Kitaorg x stop dah sbb nak cari hotel dulu. Call hotel sana call sini...walk in sana walk in sini...we had no choice but to stay at Jasmine Hotel, Brinchang @ RM178/nite. Fuhhh...memang mahal bangat sbb peak time and aku plak main terjah je x book awal2. So ok la asal dpt memang very basic, phone xde aircond pon xde (tp aku dgr memang hotel kat Ch xde aircond...sejok katanye)...nanti kite tgk sejuk ke idok. Suhu waktu siang around 25-30 dC...x lah sejuk sgt sbb x berangin masa tu. oh ye...area brinchang byk hotel2 kecik, sederet Jasmine tu ade 3-4 lg hotel.
After rehat, solat & resfresh kitaorg trus kan perjalanan ke tanah rata. Ladang Teh Cameron Valley...standard! ok gak sbb kat bawah mane de ldg teh besau cam tu...dah dekat 10 taon kot aku x tgk ladang teh hahhaha. Kitaorg nak rasa teh di CH taraaaa...triple pleasure tea! ambik nak...nama memang xde tandingan...rasa? hmm to me sedap sbb ade rasa cream, tea and cinemon. Sedap la! Enjoy the scenary sambil jalan2 minum tea...seronot! Joe i luv u!
Odw back we stop at Steamboat & Snack Corner...sbb jln jem lagi uhuks! This time aku mkn waffle & white coffee and Joe go for black pepper steak & strawberry juice (x puas pau aku punye awal2 tadi).
2 Thumbs up for the waffle.....sgt sedap!!!!!!!! Mayb aku craving for sugar tu yg semua telan bende manis sedap. Tp seriously sedap...skali dgn coklat, aiskerm and fresh strawberry! layansss...steak so-so. Next to restaurant ade kedai sorvenier bole la survey2 harga barang. Ade mahal ade murah...better beli kat pasar mlm brinchang lebih murah skit.
At night we went to the pasar malam........baru la rasa sejuk!...jln kaki saja sbb dekat...kalau dok tanah rata jauh nak p pasar mlm ni. Brg2 seperti biasa, ade byk bantal2, key chains, tshirt / clothing, cactus comel2 and food. Kalau pergi sana jgn lupe mkn strawberry lidi cucuk dgn coklat and also JAGUNG bakar. Teramat sedap! tambah kesejukan mlm fuhhh.....romantiks....erk tersimpang!
The next day kitaorg da nak cioww...sebelom tu singgah jap kat Big Strawberry Park (ada byk ladang strawberry..pilih je) yg ni free entrance. Selain strawberry ade gak bunga2 and sayur2an. hmm best jugak la tgk tumbuhan menghijau. Nak petik strawberry kene bayor RM25 for 2pax and bole petik 1/2 gram je. kalau lebih kene tambah kot. Kitaorg kurang kesedaran bertani jd x brapa nak petik2 buah hehehe...trus p restaurant mkn strawberry kat situ x yah petik2 ahahha. Ape kitaorang makan for breakfast? Healthy food of course!....
Lepas tu kitaorg bergerak balik via tapah (dr tanah rata trus je..ikot signboard ye)...saje nak tgk jalan camne. Lagi horror ikut jalan ni sbb sgt kecik dan liku tajam2. Byk gerai2 org asli tepi jalan...depa jual madu, durian etc. Cari makan bagus asli pon pandai biznes. Aku nak durian tp Joe x kasi beli...dia kata durian tu baja taik gajah! ewww...
Itu saja buat kali ini....keseluruhan our trip ni mcm jln2 cari makan. Best jugak CH....jgn lupe pergi k tp better bukan masa peak. Bagus untuk tenangkan masa balik tu aku da x tenang sbb masih pikir betui ka durian taik gajah?%^&$#*)
Sweet and simple.....mesti ade yg lama x ke CH kan? Ntah camane aku bole p sana dgn Joe on last 15 & 16 Sept. Memang unplan and gamble je sbb ingat nak p lepak2 kat lost world of tambun. Tp situ mcm tempat kanak2 je so aku divert ke tempat lain. Tak tau mane dtg idea i said to Joe ...lets go to CH? What do u think?...luckily he said ok and i smile like a child! hehe hehe hehe
Wokey....kitaorg dr Sitiawan so takde la jauh sgt ke CH. Lebih kurang 2-21/2hrs dah sampai via simpang pulai exit. Itu pon bawak cam kure2 sbb nak menikmati kehijauan bumi Allah. Korang yg speedo bole save 1/2hr ingat jln ke sana agak bahaya sbb belok2 cam ulor tp road condition bagus. So no worries as long as your car sihat sbb masa p tu byk gak kete yg berasap tepi jalan. Mayb masa tu byk kerete sbb cuti 3 very2 slow moving when we almost reached Brinchang. Oleh kerana traffic stand still, kitaorg stop at 1st point ~ steamboat restaurant (x ingat nama kedai). Masuk2 alamak semua chinese (bukan diskriminasi k..but for muslim we are particular on the ke'Halal'an food) tp nak guna toilet punye pasal kene jd guest. Bukan guest x bley guna toilet kitaorg order air untuk hilangkan haus and masuk toilet! :)
Jem jambul |
sementara tunggu air sampai |
Tibai ayaq i yg sodap |
ni ler water crest |
kat bawah tu seme water crest yg ditanam pemilik retsaurant |
We continued driving towards Brinchang and reached there around 2.30pm. Sgt byk bus and krete yg park tepi jalan sbb CH ni kawasan sempit and kedai2 semua birai jalan je. Ade kedai sorvenier, restaurant, kedai sayur, buah etc.Kitaorg x stop dah sbb nak cari hotel dulu. Call hotel sana call sini...walk in sana walk in sini...we had no choice but to stay at Jasmine Hotel, Brinchang @ RM178/nite. Fuhhh...memang mahal bangat sbb peak time and aku plak main terjah je x book awal2. So ok la asal dpt memang very basic, phone xde aircond pon xde (tp aku dgr memang hotel kat Ch xde aircond...sejok katanye)...nanti kite tgk sejuk ke idok. Suhu waktu siang around 25-30 dC...x lah sejuk sgt sbb x berangin masa tu. oh ye...area brinchang byk hotel2 kecik, sederet Jasmine tu ade 3-4 lg hotel.
After rehat, solat & resfresh kitaorg trus kan perjalanan ke tanah rata. Ladang Teh Cameron Valley...standard! ok gak sbb kat bawah mane de ldg teh besau cam tu...dah dekat 10 taon kot aku x tgk ladang teh hahhaha. Kitaorg nak rasa teh di CH taraaaa...triple pleasure tea! ambik nak...nama memang xde tandingan...rasa? hmm to me sedap sbb ade rasa cream, tea and cinemon. Sedap la! Enjoy the scenary sambil jalan2 minum tea...seronot! Joe i luv u!
Joe wt triple pleasure tea at the tea farm valley |
Takde atas pokok teh |
2 Thumbs up for the waffle.....sgt sedap!!!!!!!! Mayb aku craving for sugar tu yg semua telan bende manis sedap. Tp seriously sedap...skali dgn coklat, aiskerm and fresh strawberry! layansss...steak so-so. Next to restaurant ade kedai sorvenier bole la survey2 harga barang. Ade mahal ade murah...better beli kat pasar mlm brinchang lebih murah skit.
ni ler waffle yg best tuh! |
Strawberry jus lagi |
bantal ni RM15 medium size (malas nak rotate pic hehe) |
segar2 lettuce kat CH....turun bawah da kureng fresh |
cara tanaman...x yah tanah pon letak dlm tube yg ade air mengalir je |
erk...dok atas meja pasu |
Itu saja buat kali ini....keseluruhan our trip ni mcm jln2 cari makan. Best jugak CH....jgn lupe pergi k tp better bukan masa peak. Bagus untuk tenangkan masa balik tu aku da x tenang sbb masih pikir betui ka durian taik gajah?%^&$#*)
Add caption |
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Lawak Ke Der 2.....CEPAT BELI TIKET!!!
Assalamualaikum & Slamat Sejahtera.....
Ape korang buat skang ni? Aku? hehehhehe....baru rajin nak continue typing2 sbb kat opis skang ni kurang menaip dah kakakak.
Ok..aku dah reserved 2 tickets and nak bayor jap2 lg. FYI, on this weekend ada 2 shows per day and the rest only at night. Price range from RM30 - RM350 (tapi da tentu ler yg murah almost sold out). So sile la check kat sini kalau ade plan nak tgk ye ....
p/s : kawan2 miri yg selalu outstation ke KL check le schedule kot2 bole tgk during working days show...enjoys!!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Babai Miri
Salam semua.......
Lama x tgk kokly.blogspot sbb tuan die ni sibuk kehulu kehilir. BTW thank you kawan2 yg menjengah ye...aku x kisah sgt pasal traffic ke ape yg penting bile ade kelapangan dan ada something aku nak share baru post entry...hahahha....such a super lazy though!
Masa ni aku kat Auckland (8/6) and esok will fly back to Msia via Singapore. Hehheeh cuti panjang untuk persediaan kerje kat KL (kononnye lah). Ok,before this aku dok sibuk post pasal persediaan aku nak pindah randah kan...ape x tau? baca balik la post yg lama kalau rajin...jadik entry ni special untuk kawan2 sekerje di Miri....huhu...
Tq sbb arrange session makan2 togather with staff department on last 24/5 for my transfer to KL (report duty on 1st June but 11th June baru le yg betul) after aku balik dr NZ...hahhaha...(sorry bos baru i lambat start keje!). Tak tau nak express camne...sedih tu ade especially terpaksa berjauhan dgn close friends tp happy pon ade sbb lebih dkt dgn family kat semenenjung. Rasanye tu lumrah la kan....bile nak berpindah semua org rasa sama camni kecuali pindah sbb nak lari dr musuh! hahahah...yg perasan bile last day tu baru tau ramai kawan2 kat miri pon rasa x best...biase aku dok membising nanti da takde (aku rase la,,,kalau x muahahah...perasan ko nyah!). Terharu....lagi2 diaorg anto sampai eport...huhu nangis macho aku jap. sedih... jumpe housemate before balik jap je sbb Pana balik kg lg awal. BTW, thanks for the cute2 hadiah....serioulsy aku x tepikir pasal tu. Aku ade plan nak bg gift pada kawan2 tp entah la,,,tahap blur tinggi betul masa nak pindah tu....semua x bole pikir last2 x sempat nak p beli. Terbalik....aku plak yg dpt dr diaorang..Thank you again!
Insyaallah nanti jumpe lagi!
Ayak....gambo dlm laptop la pulak....kene tunggu balik Msia baru add pic ler nampaknye...adoi!
Lama x tgk kokly.blogspot sbb tuan die ni sibuk kehulu kehilir. BTW thank you kawan2 yg menjengah ye...aku x kisah sgt pasal traffic ke ape yg penting bile ade kelapangan dan ada something aku nak share baru post entry...hahahha....such a super lazy though!
Masa ni aku kat Auckland (8/6) and esok will fly back to Msia via Singapore. Hehheeh cuti panjang untuk persediaan kerje kat KL (kononnye lah). Ok,before this aku dok sibuk post pasal persediaan aku nak pindah randah kan...ape x tau? baca balik la post yg lama kalau rajin...jadik entry ni special untuk kawan2 sekerje di Miri....huhu...
Tq sbb arrange session makan2 togather with staff department on last 24/5 for my transfer to KL (report duty on 1st June but 11th June baru le yg betul) after aku balik dr NZ...hahhaha...(sorry bos baru i lambat start keje!). Tak tau nak express camne...sedih tu ade especially terpaksa berjauhan dgn close friends tp happy pon ade sbb lebih dkt dgn family kat semenenjung. Rasanye tu lumrah la kan....bile nak berpindah semua org rasa sama camni kecuali pindah sbb nak lari dr musuh! hahahah...yg perasan bile last day tu baru tau ramai kawan2 kat miri pon rasa x best...biase aku dok membising nanti da takde (aku rase la,,,kalau x muahahah...perasan ko nyah!). Terharu....lagi2 diaorg anto sampai eport...huhu nangis macho aku jap. sedih... jumpe housemate before balik jap je sbb Pana balik kg lg awal. BTW, thanks for the cute2 hadiah....serioulsy aku x tepikir pasal tu. Aku ade plan nak bg gift pada kawan2 tp entah la,,,tahap blur tinggi betul masa nak pindah tu....semua x bole pikir last2 x sempat nak p beli. Terbalik....aku plak yg dpt dr diaorang..Thank you again!
Insyaallah nanti jumpe lagi!
Ayak....gambo dlm laptop la pulak....kene tunggu balik Msia baru add pic ler nampaknye...adoi!
Monday, May 21, 2012
8 days before I left Miri
Salam sejahtera.....hari ni 22/5/12 :)
Adoiii...penat betul badan ni. Baru je siap keje2 memacking...Alhamdulillah akhirnye aku berjaya gak kemas barang2 yg nak kene bawak balik. Seminggu jugak nak siap walau pun sikit....keh. Esok forwarding agent datang kol 9am to do final packing untuk barang yg besor2...heheheh tp yg paling besor kipas and aircond set je...yg lain semua dlm kotak. Aku dah siap2 pack sbb nanti x pening kepala nak cari. Kalau ikotkan bole je nak mintak agent tu yg pack tp aku x suke ler....hahaha. nanti abih barang2 rahsia aku diaroang tau! By esok semua barang2 ni dah kene angkut p port termasuk la CBM kesayangan. Harap2 semua ok la hendaknye. So untuk beberapa hari patah kaki sbb xde krete and pakaian pon ala2 kadar je...tinggal yg nak di pakai minggu ni sampai 29/5. Selebih tu clothing for NZ trip...yeaaaaaa.
Kat opis pon dah start mandom sbb ramai yg away...p training la, cuti awal la etc. Biaselah kalau dekat2 Gawai kebanyakan ambik coti panjang mengalahkan org yg berbangsa Iban...huhu..(aku pon sama daaa). Sedih pon ade, tinggal 8 hari je before i back for good. Tadi bos tanye Jiha lg bile nak buat farewell aku...iskh2...sedih...kalau boleh aku takmo farewell. Selambe je aku cakap dgn bos...takyah le beriya (dlm hati aku tak nak susahkan org organize makan2).. Tapi bos ni semangat betul nak raikan aku..mayb as appreciation kot sbb dia kata kene mesti kene beriya sbb aku dah nak blah...Ok bos sy ikot je. Die sedekah duit lagi..memang baek la bos aku sayang x sempat nak berbakti sgt aku dah nak pindah! BTW...aku rasa terharu gak bile bos yg sungguh2 nak buat farewell...ape lg nak cakap... just a big thank you for you bos! (heheh kompom die tak baca ni)...aku doakan die murah rezeki!
ok good nite...esok satu lg hari yg memenatkan dgn barang2 ni. Hopefully all the stuff can be ship on 25/5, kalau idok berGawai dulu le barang2 aku tu kat Miri Port.
Arrrr....ngantok bangat tp x bley tido...cube2 tutup mate.
Adoiii...penat betul badan ni. Baru je siap keje2 memacking...Alhamdulillah akhirnye aku berjaya gak kemas barang2 yg nak kene bawak balik. Seminggu jugak nak siap walau pun sikit....keh. Esok forwarding agent datang kol 9am to do final packing untuk barang yg besor2...heheheh tp yg paling besor kipas and aircond set je...yg lain semua dlm kotak. Aku dah siap2 pack sbb nanti x pening kepala nak cari. Kalau ikotkan bole je nak mintak agent tu yg pack tp aku x suke ler....hahaha. nanti abih barang2 rahsia aku diaroang tau! By esok semua barang2 ni dah kene angkut p port termasuk la CBM kesayangan. Harap2 semua ok la hendaknye. So untuk beberapa hari patah kaki sbb xde krete and pakaian pon ala2 kadar je...tinggal yg nak di pakai minggu ni sampai 29/5. Selebih tu clothing for NZ trip...yeaaaaaa.
Kat opis pon dah start mandom sbb ramai yg away...p training la, cuti awal la etc. Biaselah kalau dekat2 Gawai kebanyakan ambik coti panjang mengalahkan org yg berbangsa Iban...huhu..(aku pon sama daaa). Sedih pon ade, tinggal 8 hari je before i back for good. Tadi bos tanye Jiha lg bile nak buat farewell aku...iskh2...sedih...kalau boleh aku takmo farewell. Selambe je aku cakap dgn bos...takyah le beriya (dlm hati aku tak nak susahkan org organize makan2).. Tapi bos ni semangat betul nak raikan aku..mayb as appreciation kot sbb dia kata kene mesti kene beriya sbb aku dah nak blah...Ok bos sy ikot je. Die sedekah duit lagi..memang baek la bos aku sayang x sempat nak berbakti sgt aku dah nak pindah! BTW...aku rasa terharu gak bile bos yg sungguh2 nak buat farewell...ape lg nak cakap... just a big thank you for you bos! (heheh kompom die tak baca ni)...aku doakan die murah rezeki!
ok good nite...esok satu lg hari yg memenatkan dgn barang2 ni. Hopefully all the stuff can be ship on 25/5, kalau idok berGawai dulu le barang2 aku tu kat Miri Port.
Arrrr....ngantok bangat tp x bley tido...cube2 tutup mate.
Monday, May 14, 2012
CBM masuk sepital
Malang tak berbau...CBM cedera parah bile nie knocked a lorry on the last Saturday morning right after Im having breakfast with my peytong mate (Ann & Tony)....Tak sangka plak aku boleh lalai driving sbb selama ni agak berhemah. Base on track record CBM never had an accident for the last 8 years.
Actually xde la teruk collision tu tp lwn dgn lorry memang ar CBM kalah....nak nak lg both aku and the lorry driver x perasan sama sendiri so masa langgar tu memang merempuh sama sendiri....bumper depan rosak, bonet & fender kiri kemek...huhu. CBM dah tak macho lagi. Lorry tu tak seteruk CBM cume goresan dekat body and tank cover kemek...seb baek bukan tank yg pecah. So kitaorang kire settle sama sendiri malas aku nak p report polis. Kalau ikotkan aku bawak 20km/hr je sbb area tu kawasan kedai2 baru kluar dr parking. Niatnye nak cari kedai dobi cuci carpet tp tereksiden plak.Huhu sedih tau CBM cacat. banyak jasa die kat aku selama ni...
Dalam sibuk2 aku mengemas barang nak pindah CBM plak masuk sepital. Aku memang dah plan nak cat body bile balik semenanjung so dgn excident tu menambahkan faktor untuk mengecat CBM kembali...mcm tau2 je kan. Hmmm ari ni dah masuk bengkel....kene RM400 (without paint) just tukar bumper and ketok area yg kemek. Naseb baek Pana ade rumah last Saturday so die tlg bawak p bengkel and tengok spare part survey harge. Bengkel pon proposed by my close friend. Hari ni Ibar tolong anto kan sbb aku takut kalau2 kene pau dgn cine workshop tu. Tp alhamdulillah nampak orangye cam ok....kalau die pau aku pun RM400 acceptable la. Daripada aku p anto ke bengkel yg ntah mana2..silap2 gaye semua parts kene tukar dgn yg burok. Kat Miri ni terkenal macam tu...aarrr tension jugak sbb CBM tak terjaga seperti dulu selama kat sini disebabkan bengkel yg x bole caye. Anto service pon kat EON aje....x sabor nak ship die balik for a brand new look! wahahahah...
Adios dulu k....Luse aku ambik CBM with worst apparent! keh kehkeh ada masa i will upload some photo. (malas nak ingat masa kejadian :()
Actually xde la teruk collision tu tp lwn dgn lorry memang ar CBM kalah....nak nak lg both aku and the lorry driver x perasan sama sendiri so masa langgar tu memang merempuh sama sendiri....bumper depan rosak, bonet & fender kiri kemek...huhu. CBM dah tak macho lagi. Lorry tu tak seteruk CBM cume goresan dekat body and tank cover kemek...seb baek bukan tank yg pecah. So kitaorang kire settle sama sendiri malas aku nak p report polis. Kalau ikotkan aku bawak 20km/hr je sbb area tu kawasan kedai2 baru kluar dr parking. Niatnye nak cari kedai dobi cuci carpet tp tereksiden plak.Huhu sedih tau CBM cacat. banyak jasa die kat aku selama ni...
Dalam sibuk2 aku mengemas barang nak pindah CBM plak masuk sepital. Aku memang dah plan nak cat body bile balik semenanjung so dgn excident tu menambahkan faktor untuk mengecat CBM kembali...mcm tau2 je kan. Hmmm ari ni dah masuk bengkel....kene RM400 (without paint) just tukar bumper and ketok area yg kemek. Naseb baek Pana ade rumah last Saturday so die tlg bawak p bengkel and tengok spare part survey harge. Bengkel pon proposed by my close friend. Hari ni Ibar tolong anto kan sbb aku takut kalau2 kene pau dgn cine workshop tu. Tp alhamdulillah nampak orangye cam ok....kalau die pau aku pun RM400 acceptable la. Daripada aku p anto ke bengkel yg ntah mana2..silap2 gaye semua parts kene tukar dgn yg burok. Kat Miri ni terkenal macam tu...aarrr tension jugak sbb CBM tak terjaga seperti dulu selama kat sini disebabkan bengkel yg x bole caye. Anto service pon kat EON aje....x sabor nak ship die balik for a brand new look! wahahahah...
Adios dulu k....Luse aku ambik CBM with worst apparent! keh kehkeh ada masa i will upload some photo. (malas nak ingat masa kejadian :()
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
TOLONGGGG Banyaknye bende nak buat!
Fuhhhhh......tgk calander ni mcm lama lg tp kalau pikir things to do bole tahan banyak....ayak!
BTW, Assalamulaikum..
Alhamdulillah sbb aku dah dpt official letter to transfer to KL. Kalau xde aral melintang by 1st June dah report duty kat sana. Happy sangat sbb i will be closer to family....senang la nak balik melawat mak abah Kg Awah and Selama. Walaupun keje kat miri ni seronok jugak tp this is one of my pengorbanan...keje2 jugak tp kene ingat hidup kite tak panjang. Kalau boleh ade life balance..baru la hidup bermakna. This is also 1 of the challenges in my work.Tukar tempat baru mustila different environment, different people different expectation and so many2 differences..baru je nak perform yg terbaik kat sini,potong stim betul!...takpe lah itu bisa diatur. Harap2 dr pengalaman bertukar2 kerje before this aku boleh survive...dont worry Laily...rezeki di tangan Tuhan. Just do your best!
Owh...yang tak tahan aku ni dok sibuk lg nak masuk Petanque Open Miri this coming 19 & 20 May. hahaha....dah giler peytong kot. Actually nak kene beriadah jugak walaupun bz...lagi pun everyday practise around 1 hr je.As long as i can manage my time thats not a big deal!....preparation to transfer still byk bende nak buat..adelah sikit2 barang yg dah di packing. Target to complete paling lambat by next week and arrangement for shipping yet to confirm. Tapi x boleh least dah dpt transfer compare dgn kawan2 yg lg lama kat Miri ni...sorry kawan2 memang rezeki aku lebih skit dlm bab transfer ni jd semua dipermudahkan agaknye! Aku plan nak beli rumah kat tengah survey2 jugak kalau ade yg affordable. Tp nak beli kene gi tengok plan beli rumah memang x bley settle from here...huhu...tumpang rumah La dulu ler jawabnye.
Oh yeee lg satu....bulan ni sibuk jugak nak settlekan pasal trip aku & adilah ke NZ. Haiyaaaa.....naseb baek adilah dah biase bab2 pengurusan berjalan ni.Serah kat die la mane2 yg patut. Tp for accommodation,flights and car rental almost 95% done. Just tinggal untuk packing barang2 yg nak bawak je nanti. Tapi xde la banyak yg penting baju cukop,kasut yg sesuai and books! Everything goes fine so far.....jadinye aku kene concentrate untuk handover kerje and doing the packing things soonest possible!
Orait....the end for now....bosankan cerite org sibuk yg aku je tau hahahah. Pray for me k, so that i can handle all those arrangement smoothly in this few be exact for another 20days!
Gud nite..i kene tido awal sebab esok tumpang kereta org disebabkan syndrom malas drive petang tadi. CBM 2303 tido office malam ni...mama miss u, c ya tomorrow!
BTW, Assalamulaikum..
Alhamdulillah sbb aku dah dpt official letter to transfer to KL. Kalau xde aral melintang by 1st June dah report duty kat sana. Happy sangat sbb i will be closer to family....senang la nak balik melawat mak abah Kg Awah and Selama. Walaupun keje kat miri ni seronok jugak tp this is one of my pengorbanan...keje2 jugak tp kene ingat hidup kite tak panjang. Kalau boleh ade life balance..baru la hidup bermakna. This is also 1 of the challenges in my work.Tukar tempat baru mustila different environment, different people different expectation and so many2 differences..baru je nak perform yg terbaik kat sini,potong stim betul!...takpe lah itu bisa diatur. Harap2 dr pengalaman bertukar2 kerje before this aku boleh survive...dont worry Laily...rezeki di tangan Tuhan. Just do your best!
Owh...yang tak tahan aku ni dok sibuk lg nak masuk Petanque Open Miri this coming 19 & 20 May. hahaha....dah giler peytong kot. Actually nak kene beriadah jugak walaupun bz...lagi pun everyday practise around 1 hr je.As long as i can manage my time thats not a big deal!....preparation to transfer still byk bende nak buat..adelah sikit2 barang yg dah di packing. Target to complete paling lambat by next week and arrangement for shipping yet to confirm. Tapi x boleh least dah dpt transfer compare dgn kawan2 yg lg lama kat Miri ni...sorry kawan2 memang rezeki aku lebih skit dlm bab transfer ni jd semua dipermudahkan agaknye! Aku plan nak beli rumah kat tengah survey2 jugak kalau ade yg affordable. Tp nak beli kene gi tengok plan beli rumah memang x bley settle from here...huhu...tumpang rumah La dulu ler jawabnye.
Oh yeee lg satu....bulan ni sibuk jugak nak settlekan pasal trip aku & adilah ke NZ. Haiyaaaa.....naseb baek adilah dah biase bab2 pengurusan berjalan ni.Serah kat die la mane2 yg patut. Tp for accommodation,flights and car rental almost 95% done. Just tinggal untuk packing barang2 yg nak bawak je nanti. Tapi xde la banyak yg penting baju cukop,kasut yg sesuai and books! Everything goes fine so far.....jadinye aku kene concentrate untuk handover kerje and doing the packing things soonest possible!
Orait....the end for now....bosankan cerite org sibuk yg aku je tau hahahah. Pray for me k, so that i can handle all those arrangement smoothly in this few be exact for another 20days!
Gud nite..i kene tido awal sebab esok tumpang kereta org disebabkan syndrom malas drive petang tadi. CBM 2303 tido office malam ni...mama miss u, c ya tomorrow!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Cerita April :Love Letter for You
Dear Joe,
After so many days of marriage, I sit back to think that my life would have been so meaningless without you. I feel so blessed to find a best friend and a perfect partner in you; I do not know how to thank God more for this, beside praying that we will be apart till end of our life. I stop to think about the best memories we have shared and the worst we have come across. I look at you and wonder how you are mine. Thanks for choosing me. for continuing to choose me everyday. I got the best darn one. I wonder how that happen?
Every time I found you by my side, you were there in times of joy and sorrow. Thank you for everything, you have given me. On this opportunity I also want to tell that, you are not only an wonderful husband but an excellent soul mate too. Living up without you would never have been easier . Your love gives the strength to fight against all odds and inspiration towards a better living. Today, I know that we are just made for each other; sweetheart I am sorry, if I have ever unknowingly hurt you. That was not at all intentional and I can fill up the bruise with all my love. Thank you for being there with me through every thick and thin, I cannot imagine a life without you now.
I thank God for you
Happy 3rd anniversary & Love you always.
Luv Laily
Happy birthday to me & Joe
Cerita April : SKO game closing
Assalamualaikum dan slamat sejahtri!
Imbasan bersambung ke penutupan SKO Games 2012 on the last 21st April di Stadium Tertutup Miri. Hmmmm sambutan in overall ok la...sepatutnye lg ramai crowd yg datang tp mayb location tu jauh sket and happened in saturday....mayb ramai yg ade aral lain. However, congratulations to the organizing committee for the event, sebab tanpa korang x jd la majlis tu. Aku tetap enjoy, x kisah la pendapat org lain camane. To me as long as you can contribute, kecik atau besar dah cukop buat kita lebih memeberi sokongan. So, thats why aku datang je untuk meriahkan majlis....sian penat2 organizer arrange kan...hehehe.
Hmm this will be the last SKO game yg aku bole joint....sedih gak tp nak buat camne KL dah menjerit!
Ok...criter KL tu bab lain....jom kite layan pics during the closing ceremony. Enjoy! Tapi ade lg gambo....nati2 aku add.Buat hal plak memory card camera ni...adoiii...
Imbasan bersambung ke penutupan SKO Games 2012 on the last 21st April di Stadium Tertutup Miri. Hmmmm sambutan in overall ok la...sepatutnye lg ramai crowd yg datang tp mayb location tu jauh sket and happened in saturday....mayb ramai yg ade aral lain. However, congratulations to the organizing committee for the event, sebab tanpa korang x jd la majlis tu. Aku tetap enjoy, x kisah la pendapat org lain camane. To me as long as you can contribute, kecik atau besar dah cukop buat kita lebih memeberi sokongan. So, thats why aku datang je untuk meriahkan majlis....sian penat2 organizer arrange kan...hehehe.
Hmm this will be the last SKO game yg aku bole joint....sedih gak tp nak buat camne KL dah menjerit!
Ok...criter KL tu bab lain....jom kite layan pics during the closing ceremony. Enjoy! Tapi ade lg gambo....nati2 aku add.Buat hal plak memory card camera ni...adoiii...
Me, Edwin,?, Aan, Syiha, Ismail, Vinod & Alif |
Pasukan telematch..Hawa, Rosta, Mariam,Buse & Sathiya |
War Cry..... |
Pana, Aan, Aisah,Syiha & Rosta |
Cari 5 yg sama tp x serupa dlm gambar ini! |
Zaza,Syaura & Lanlan |
Melati & Marni |
Pana, Me & Inang |
With our GM (in the middle) |
Cerita April : I've made it Petanque & Pool
Assalamualaikum cekgu! nye zaman sekolah lama tak greet cekgu kan..masa keje mane de kite ramai2 cakap Assalamualaikum Bos! ade?ade?
weh....dah May tp mintak maap ye...aku nak notedown peristiwa yg berlaku di April. Jadi tema untuk beberapa post aku kali ni ialah "imbasan" or in english "flashback" (betui ka ni?)...sekali sekala kenang cerite lama ape kan ke criter untuk diri makcik sendiri jd post aje la...kawan2 yg pemalas nak baca ade makcik kisah...
Aiyoo makcik salah tajuk sudah!.
BTW i luv 2012 April because;
1) Main pool banyak2
2) Main bowling sampai lebam
3) Main netball sampai injured
4) Main petanque sampai hitam
5) 2 weeks in KL for meeting & training in bracket sambil dpt jumpe family!
6) Joe birthday
7) My birthday
8) Joe & Laily anniversary
Haaa,,,banyak tak activity aku? bab keje sket je satu line....kalau elaborate mau berdarah mata wooo, baek x yah. Ok lets zoom to the new games that i had participated...Pool & Petanque. nampak senang tp susah...perlu focus yg tinggi and a little bit of luck.Ape? x berpeloh cam badminton? cube ko main dulu baru tau bepeloh tak ketiak tu! heheheh....all in all aku rate these games at 9/10. Seronok untuk dicuba....lagi pun baik untuk persediaan sukan hari tua least berdiri and membongkok je x yah la nak melompat or berlari. Hmmm...walaupun aku baru menceburkan diri tp MERCEDES, tahniah untuk mu sebab dpt GOLD for Pool and SILVER for Petanque....aku bertuah sebab berada dlm team yg memang mantop. Thanks to all teammate for the trust on me to be part of the team....kamek mbiak baru belajar!!! For netball & bowling both at 4th places sbb ramai sgt yg terror(ist) untuk game ni...btw my new score achivement for bowling is 160! yeahhh bravo laily...
Joe nanti teman sy main pool,bowling and petanque when i move to KL eventough i know you not into 1 of it! (kawan2 abaikan mesage ni)
Moralnye disini....bakat kadang2 bukan semulajadi but determination will prove it! so cube lah.....aku tau korang berbakat nanti lambat2 mencuba karat...lagsung x bleh pakai!
Ok cam biase ending story tengok gambo! layanssssss!
weh....dah May tp mintak maap ye...aku nak notedown peristiwa yg berlaku di April. Jadi tema untuk beberapa post aku kali ni ialah "imbasan" or in english "flashback" (betui ka ni?)...sekali sekala kenang cerite lama ape kan ke criter untuk diri makcik sendiri jd post aje la...kawan2 yg pemalas nak baca ade makcik kisah...
Aiyoo makcik salah tajuk sudah!.
BTW i luv 2012 April because;
1) Main pool banyak2
2) Main bowling sampai lebam
3) Main netball sampai injured
4) Main petanque sampai hitam
5) 2 weeks in KL for meeting & training in bracket sambil dpt jumpe family!
6) Joe birthday
7) My birthday
8) Joe & Laily anniversary
Haaa,,,banyak tak activity aku? bab keje sket je satu line....kalau elaborate mau berdarah mata wooo, baek x yah. Ok lets zoom to the new games that i had participated...Pool & Petanque. nampak senang tp susah...perlu focus yg tinggi and a little bit of luck.Ape? x berpeloh cam badminton? cube ko main dulu baru tau bepeloh tak ketiak tu! heheheh....all in all aku rate these games at 9/10. Seronok untuk dicuba....lagi pun baik untuk persediaan sukan hari tua least berdiri and membongkok je x yah la nak melompat or berlari. Hmmm...walaupun aku baru menceburkan diri tp MERCEDES, tahniah untuk mu sebab dpt GOLD for Pool and SILVER for Petanque....aku bertuah sebab berada dlm team yg memang mantop. Thanks to all teammate for the trust on me to be part of the team....kamek mbiak baru belajar!!! For netball & bowling both at 4th places sbb ramai sgt yg terror(ist) untuk game ni...btw my new score achivement for bowling is 160! yeahhh bravo laily...
Joe nanti teman sy main pool,bowling and petanque when i move to KL eventough i know you not into 1 of it! (kawan2 abaikan mesage ni)
Moralnye disini....bakat kadang2 bukan semulajadi but determination will prove it! so cube lah.....aku tau korang berbakat nanti lambat2 mencuba karat...lagsung x bleh pakai!
Ok cam biase ending story tengok gambo! layanssssss!
MERCEDES Bowling Team
Aku kacau Alya....Leha x brani tolong! heh |
Good Alya & Leha also good shooter! |
Run for the ball Laily! |
Yeahhh its mine...not u Alya! huhu |
Alamak aku terpeleot...seb baek Leha (GS) cover muke |
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