Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mentally Recovered

Assalamualaikum...I pray all of us happy at this moment...

Yeahh...lama x kembali ke alam cyber nih. Semenjak dok KL aku rasa masa semakin singkat. Kalau dulu sempat jog, sewing, main guitar..but not now...x tau la pasal ape. BTW, i need to well plan on my activities here so that i not miss anything that i luv to do!

Ok...last month my health not that good. Ni la pertama kali dlm sejarah aku MC 6 hari dlm sebulan heheh.
Kenape? Hmmm... i was miscarry! Its just happened without any sign..memang sedih tp ni semua kehendak Allah. I still remembered, that day was Oct 20th..aku cam biasa bergegas ke airport nak p KK, Sabah. Next day ade meeting, but seriously i felt frustrated because my colleague ni should came along but my bos said only myself allowed. Mayb ade sebab dia x kasi pegi 2 org..its ok. Tapi nak dijadian cerita...dlm flight afer about 1 hr take off, aku rasa sakit perut... macam nak period tp tak mungkin sebab aku dah confirm preggy a week before. So aku p toilet dgn keadaan yg selamba tp masa tu aku berpeluh walau aircond sejuk.I was very shock went i bleed yg pelik dr kebiasaan.....tiba2 aku nerbes x tau nak buat ape. At that time aku x rasa miscarry...sgt2 blur...and back to my seat. Berlagak cam biasa, with heavy cramp at my stomach....masa tu aku berdoa semoga aku x ape2 dalam flight.

When i reached KK...hujan lebat giler...sampai hotel around 8.30pm. Terus baring and called my mom. She said it could be miscarry but she said pray it wont. So, mak soh aku p clinic tp aku x larat sgt....dgn bleeding makin kuat and cramp yg makin kerap. So i just closed my eyes and paksa tido sbb x tahan sakit...the whole nite memang miserable, jap2 terjaga...and sakit...fuhh!!

Early next morning aku trus p clinic terdekat...doct scan my baby still ade so die mintak aku rest and releks.
yes lege rasa....aku sakit takpe la asal my baby selamat. My meeting should start at 11pm... i got 2 hrs to prepare but perot x hilang sakit lg....jalan pon cam org tue. So disebabkan keadaan aku yg x stabil and x bole berdiri lama aku trus call my collegue at KK and informed that aku x bole attend meeting. Alhamdulillah, die pon paham keadaan aku and she said dont worry meeting bile2 bole buat...hmm...actually tak lama pon miting tu sejam aku sgt2 x larat.So i decided to go to airport and try nak ambik flight yg lg awal. Disebabkan my flight back to KL around 5pm aku terpaksa tunggu sbb masa tu da nak cuti raya haji. Flight fully booked...aiyooo...xde pilihan aku p lepak dlm surau je. Walau pun da makan pain killer, sakit x hilang xde pilihan aku kene tido. Cepat la sampai KL huhu...

Sampai KL da pukul 8.30pm...La, my sis dtg ambik aku...huhu...sedih and blur.... tiba2 aku nangis! Thats fine....

The next day La bawak aku p jumpe doct kat Price Court. Bile scan my baby still there....alhamdulillah sekali lagi...aku lege. Tp kene dtg check lagi after 10 days, nak tgk baby tu membesar ke tak. Kalau membesar maksudnye ade chance kalau x maksudnye dia dah pergi! huhu

10 hari tu adalah masa yg paling menyesakkan lah..sbb dok terpikir baby tu ade ke tak, aku bleed tu sbb ape, perasaan pon x menentu...susah nak cerita camane. Sakit jap ade jap takde....sgt2 menconfoiuskan. Aku byk baca artikel pasal miscarry ni dlm internet...ade yg kata x semstinye miscarry tp ade plak yg sebijik sejibun jadi cam aku and miscarry...arrrghh...memnag blur!

7 days after that...aku p cek dekat twin tower clinic sbb tiba2 bleed banyak semula. Doct kat situ plak x bole scan so trus refer aku ke prince court semula. So on the Nov 2nd kene p jumpe gyne (sepatutnye 5th). Kebetulan Joe pon dtg KL, so kitaorg p berdua....masa tu aku redha ape2 kata doct.Harap2 aku kuat!

Bile gyne scan nothing in my perut anymore...hmm.. perasaan aku x tentu hala semula masa tu....blur! around 5 mnts je jumpe gyne and he said let the bleeding stop naturally x perlu D&C. Ok...aku & joe kluar bayar bill and walk silently ke parking. Dlm lift aku da x tahan sedih and nangis! So officially aku miscarry...but not sure when was the exact time. Kalau tak aku dah 2 months preggy now! i feel better physically & mentally recovered!...Ade sebab kenapa baby tu x lama.At least aku sempat rasa pragnent tu camane. Lagi pun ramai yg blom ade rezeki cam aku n joe....event yg dah lagi lama dah kawen.

So, my friends out there pray for us to have the next one k! Adios....


  1. Salam Kak Laily....
    Sedih jugak mun baca.. teringat mun aritu..huhu
    Bykkan bersabar nooooo... Jaga diri molek2.. See youuuuuu~~~ hugssss~~~

  2. Wslm Mun...seb baek jugakmun dah ade experience bole bertanye hehe. You too jaga diri k..nanti kite cuba lagi!
